Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I got a post on the blog! Woot woot! I find it funny how for someone who uses a computer daily, I had so much trouble getting on here! Just wanted to apologize to everyone for taking so long. But I'm on here now!

Things at the Picanteria have been cookin'. With the wonderful help of Cherrie - our newest designer, and Travis - our work experience student, things have been zipping along quite nicely! It's also nice having some more company on the third floor :) Many exciting new jobs are on the horizon and I can't wait to get them started. 

Anyway, just thought I'd drop a quick line to say "hello" to the Picante blogging audience and to let you know that, yes, I can figure out how to use a blog!

Amanda ;)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Well done MandyMunn. It will be nice to have another "voice" on here.