Thursday, July 14, 2011

Production? Yes indeed.

Very proud of the work we developed for the Manitoba Council of Healthcare Unions.  The campaign concept is:- This October,  make Manitoba Healthcare your Issue One.  What made this campaign really exciting for me was the efficiency and turnaround time involved in what could have been a very complicated project.  We won the confidence of the client and the 10 union council stakeholders with a strong and clear creative concept.  We shot the spots on a weekend, edited the next week, focus tested and had them on air - all within 3 weeks.  The television campaign is supported by a complementary bustail program. 

Now we're heavily into preproduction on new television commercials for the Winnipeg Police Service and the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba.  They'll be shot back to back at the end of July, culminating in what is certainly my most ambitious production task - a huge t-bone crash on Waverley.  I"m very lucky to have such a resource of amazing people who help me make production magic.  Adam Sliwinski is really my fairy godfather. Or maybe my genie in a bottle.

Charlene continues her great work on Bothwell Cheese - a fantastic new red wine cheese label, a 75th Anniversary logo and some exciting promos for the fall.

Will try to keep this updated and add some photos from the 2 production projects.

I love my job.