Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My goodness we're having fun!

Lots of interesting things going on at the Picanteria these days.

We're working hard getting our Role Model campaign finished for the Edwards School of Business. Had a lovely time in Saskatoon and enjoyed seeing all our old friends again. Leanne Bellegarde, Director, Aboriginal Initiatives previewed our documentary on a big screen and though we still have some things to add in, the response from the crowd was very positive. We made Leanne cry again....(in a good way) but she gets emotional pretty easily. Interviewed the new Dean of the ESB and he's just as committed to Aboriginal students as the former Dean was so that's positive news.

Keeping busy with The Centre Mall in Saskatoon. Their new Marketing Director is keeping things hopping while our former client is off on Maternity leave.

Speaking of Mat Leave....we're still waiting for Lori from Elemental to have her baby. The little one is quite overdue and we're getting anxious to meet him or her. I think my guess for the baby poll was June 18th so clearly I was way off.

We're working on some really exciting new things with Dave Huston our favourite pharmacist. Amanda is so amazing at capturing the vision graphically sometimes it makes my heart sing.

Shaun's wife Kaleigh successfully defended her Masters last week and then they went out and bought a new vehicle. Today they are celebrating Shaun's 30th birthday and Canada Day by skydiving. OMG. Hope it goes well. I mean I REALLY hope it goes well.

I'm cooking up a new idea for MTS Video on Demand. Meeting with them next week. Sure hope they like the concept. It would keep us very busy this summer and would be so rewarding to do.

Looking forward to hosting Olaf and Clint from daCapo today as well as Tony from Midcan. Celebrating Canada Day with some favourite friends we've met through the business.

Working on Picante's new website. Hopefully we'll unveil it next week.

Happy Canada Day everyone. Let's all take a moment to appreciate this incredible country we live in. In these days of strife and unrest in places like Iran, Iraq and Honduras among so many others, it's important to reflect on our tremendous good fortune of being able to live and work here in peace.

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